Mordern admin UI kit built with React & Tailwind

Elstar has a complete set of UI components crafted with Tailwind & Typescript that fulfilled most of the use case which allows you to kickstart any project, saving up thousands of hours!

Amazing Features

Elstar is feature rich, yet not overly complex and easily extensible, it comes with everything developers have been looking for.

Latest React

Latest React

Elstar built with latest version of react (v18) & Create React App without build setup configuration



Tailwind CSS is a first-utility framework that allow developers build a unique User Interface

React Hooks

React Hooks

All component written in functional way that let you to use state or other React lifecycle without a class

Dark Mode

Dark Mode

Elstar provide dark & light mode selection, every single piece of UI was adaptable with dark mode



Elstar support multi language & able you to create your personalized apps in your language

Redux Toolkit

Redux Toolkit

Redux toolkit make state management easier to maintain & less boilerplate compare with just Redux

Colors Options

Colors Options

Unlimited color options allows you to set your application color as per your branding

Various Layout

Various Layout

Elstar has various option of layouts & allow you to set different layouts for different routes



Elstar written in Typescript, allowing you to write type-safe and scalable code.



Elstar is built using Vite, a fast and efficient build tool for modern web applications.

Configurable Structure

Configurable Structure

We offers a configurable structure that allows you to easily customize and organize your project.

Practical Demo

Practical Demo

Unlike others template, all demo pages in Elstar not just a UI demo, it included real cases implementation

Fully Responsive

Fully Responsive

Every page & components in Elstar is fully responsive and able to fit perfectly in any screens

Well Documented

Well Documented

Well-documented and industry code structure that help developers understand the code easily

Constantly Update

Constantly Update

Elstar is constantly updated to ensure compatibility with the latest technologies and best practices in the industry.

Trusted Support

Trusted Support

We will always around, when you have any question or concern, our support helps you solve any issues you have

Ready-to-use page layouts

Every page in Elstar applied a pre-built layout, which makes it very easy to switch individual page designs or create a new page. It is possible to keep your pages consistent across your application or to use different layouts for different routes.

Stacked Side

Prebuilt Component

Tailwind is a very popular CSS framework, but there is no better react adapted component library on the web, however, this problem is solved here, Elstar provides many full-featured base UI components that can cover most front-end development use cases.